Introduction to Amazon Alexa: Revolutionising the way we interact with technology

Amazon Alexa is a cutting-edge virtual assistant developed by Amazon that has revolutionised the way we interact with technology. It allows you to control smart home devices, play music, receive news and weather updates, set alarms, and much more with just your voice. Alexa’s voice-controlled interface makes it incredibly easy to use, even when your hands are full, and its wide range of capabilities makes it a valuable addition to any home.

A grey Amazon Alexa Dot speaker

What does Amazon Alexa do?

Amazon Alexa is a comprehensive virtual assistant that offers an array of features to make your daily life easier. With Alexa, you can control compatible smart home devices like lights, blinds, security cameras, sensors & doorbells with just your voice. You can also use Alexa to play music from popular streaming services like Amazon Music, Spotify, and Apple Music. Additionally, Alexa can provide news and weather updates, set alarms, play games, and answer trivia questions. Alexa is constantly evolving, with new capabilities and Skills being added all the time. This versatility, combined with its user-friendly interface, makes Alexa a must-have tool for anyone looking to streamline their daily routine.

Here are some great recommendations for games and trivia questions that you can play with Alexa:

  1. Jeopardy!: Alexa has a skill that allows you to play a version of the popular TV game show Jeopardy! Simply say "Alexa, play Jeopardy!" to get started.

  2. Escape the Room: This skill challenges you to solve a series of puzzles to escape a virtual room. You can play with up to eight people, and the game is free to play.

  3. Song Quiz: This skill plays short clips of songs from a range of genres and challenges you to guess the name of the song and the artist. You can play solo or with friends, and there are multiple playlists to choose from.

  4. Trivial Pursuit Tap: This skill offers a range of trivia questions across six categories, just like the classic board game. You can play solo or with up to four players, and the game is free to play.

  5. Twenty Questions: This game challenges you to think of an object, and Alexa will ask up to twenty yes or no questions to try to guess what you're thinking of.

    In addition to these games, Alexa can also answer a wide range of trivia questions on topics ranging from history and science to pop culture and sports. Simply say "Alexa, ask me a trivia question" to get started.

What can Alexa do to make life easier for people with disability?

  • Voice-controlled interface: Alexa can be activated by simply saying "Alexa" followed by your request, making it convenient to use, without needing to use your arms or hands.

  • Music and entertainment: Alexa can play music from popular streaming services and provide news, sports updates, and trivia.

  • Smart lights & curtains can be controlled with a simple voice command making it easier for someone with limited mobility to adjust the level of light in their home without needing to get up. 

  • Smart Vacuums, Thermostats and other household appliances can be controlled using just your voice making it easier to feel safe and comfortable in your home

Is using Amazon Alexa free?

The core functionality of Amazon Alexa, including the ability to set reminders, ask questions, and control smart home devices, is available free of charge. You do not need to pay any subscription fees to use these features.

However, some of Alexa's more advanced features do require a subscription or payment. For example, if you want to access Amazon Music Unlimited, which offers access to millions of songs, you will need to pay a monthly subscription fee. Similarly, if you want to use Alexa to order products from Amazon, you will need to have an Amazon Prime membership, which also requires payment.

In addition to paid subscriptions, there are also a range of third-party services and skills available for Alexa that may require payment. For example, some skills may require you to pay for premium content, while others may offer additional features or functionality for a fee.

Overall, while using Amazon Alexa itself is free, there may be some additional costs associated with using certain features or skills. It's important to carefully review any fees or subscriptions before using them with Alexa to avoid any unexpected charges.

Does Alexa need WiFi and Internet?

Yes, Alexa needs WiFi and Internet access to function properly. This allows it to connect to the cloud and access the various features and capabilities that are available. Alexa works by transmitting your voice to the cloud, where it is processed and analysed using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. The results are then sent back to your device, which interprets them and performs the appropriate action.

In addition to voice commands, Alexa relies on the internet to access a range of other features and capabilities, such as streaming music and videos, setting reminders and alarms, making phone calls, and controlling smart home devices. Without an internet connection, many of these features would not be available, limiting the usefulness of the device.

It's worth noting that Alexa does not require a high-speed internet connection to function. As long as you have a stable internet connection with a reasonable speed, you should be able to use Alexa without any issues. However, if your internet connection is slow or unreliable, you may experience delays or problems with Alexa's performance.

Who is better Alexa, Google or Siri?

When it comes to smart assistants, there are three main players in the market: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri. Each of these virtual assistants has its own unique features and capabilities, making it difficult to definitively say which one is the best.

If you are already an Amazon ecosystem user and own devices like the Echo Dot, then Alexa may be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you're an iPhone user and want a seamless integration with your Apple devices, then Siri might be the way to go. Finally, if you want a more open platform that works well with a wide range of smart home devices, then Google Assistant might be the right choice.

Ultimately, the best smart assistant for you will depend on your personal preferences and what you're looking to use the assistant for. If you are unsure what voice assistant is best for you, then fill out our smart home assessment and receive a personalised smart home design at zero cost to you! 


Amazon Alexa is a game-changing virtual assistant that has revolutionised the way we interact with technology. With its voice-controlled interface, smart home integration, music and entertainment capabilities, and Alexa Skills, it has become an essential tool for many people. Whether you're looking to simplify your daily routine or just want a convenient way to control your smart home devices, Amazon Alexa is definitely worth considering.


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Smart home technology for people with disability